WELCOME TO ST. LAWRENCE~ Kindly fill out our welcome brochure. Let us know your talents and needs. Once you have filled it out please either place it in the offertory basket basket or email it back to us at stlawrencenews@cdlex.org
FLOCKNOTE is our new means of registration, giving and communication platform. Begin filling out your form here. You can even add ministries that you are or want to be a part of.
BOOK STUDY CLUB Sunday 11am in Blandford Hall. This month's book is Parousia.
CCD /OCIA CLASSES~ Sundays at 11am. Look for some exciting new changes. Enroll for CCD now at https://stlawrencecatholicchurc4.flocknote.com/signup/174953
YOUTH GROUP~ All kids in grades 6-12, please join us for fun and activities in the Family Life Center on Fridays from 6-8pm.
SPANISH OCIA/FAITH FORMATION~ every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Deacon's office in Gabriel Hall.

LAUDATO SI events. Please join us!

YOUNG ADULT~ Join us after mass on Saturday for Dinner and the Gospel. In this young adult program we speak about the evening's Gospel and share a meal. Young adult generally refers to those 18 -40 years old.
BIBLE STUDY~ Join us as we discuss the Gospel of Mark Mondays at 2pm in the Family Life Center.
ADORATION join us on Wednesday from 9am-8pm
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SEXUAL ASSAULT If you need help, you are not alone: National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233) National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673
VICTIM’S ADVOCATE Know someone that has been the victim of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by church personnel? If so, please contact the Diocese of Lexington’s Victim Advocate, Laura Napora at 859-338-5695 or victimsassistance@cdlex.org.

KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM For several years, Kroger has offered a Community Rewards fundraising program which benefits St. Lawrence every time an “enrolled” Kroger Plus Card is scanned to buy groceries. In order for our parish to receive this Rewards money, you must apply online. If you have not enrolled, please follow these instructions:
1. Go to www.kroger.com/o/store-services/community-rewards 2. Under “Are You a Customer Looking to Enroll?” click on “See more details and enroll!”
3. Enter the requested information. 4. Click on “Find Organization.” Search by entering # 10581 or St. Lawrence.
5. Click “Enroll” inside the St. Lawrence Catholic Church box
Contact the parish office (502-839-6381) with questions
FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY Join the Magnificat Ministry on Zoom to pray the rosary the first Saturday of each month at 10:00am. Join via Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7434274857 Meeting ID: 743 427 4857 Passcode: 123
DIAPER DRIVE St. Lawrence is sponsoring a Diaper Drive for the United Methodist Church Diaper Bank. Their service provides diapers, wipes, and rash ointment to between 40 and 50 Anderson County families twice a month. Please put any size diapers, wipes, or ointment (unopened packages only) in the box in the Narthex or drop off at the parish office. All items will be delivered to the United Methodist Church.