St. Lawrence Ministries
Finance Council: Annette Riddle
Pastoral Council: Robin Basham
Gaming Committee:
Faith Formation: Robin Basham
OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation- Deacon Frank Villalobos
CCD: PreK- 8th grade
Youth Group: 6th-12th grade -
Young Adult : (18-39 yrs): Mike Armstrong & Hannah Meiers
Liturgy Committee: Deacon Frank Villalobos
Altar Society: Cathy Figlestahler & Robin Basham
Altar Servers: Deacon Frank Villalobos
Eucharistic Minsters: Monty Collingsworth
Lectors: Sue Litkenhus
Greeters: Denis King
Sacristans: Robin Basham
Outreach: Jim Martin and Andrea Dull
Open Hands Food Pantry: Andrea Dull and Lisa Cann
Anderson United: Jeff Wedding
Transportation: Jeff Wedding
Martha's Ministry: Sue Litkenhus
Sick & Homebound Ministry: Joy Bozorgzad
Bereavement: Sue Litkenhus
Funeral Coordinator; Pat Miller
Knights of Columbus: Johnny Benningfield
Prayer Team: Betty Butler
Bible Study: Marcia Roark
Women's Ministry: Vanna Armstrong
Social Hour: Maria Gonzalez
Hispanic Committee: Maria Gonzalez

Parish Services
BAPTISM: It is necessary for parents to attend an instructional session on baptism prior to celebration of the sacrament for their child(ren).Contact parish office @ 502.839.6381.
O.C.I.A: It is necessary for those who wish to become Catholic to participate in this process of formation. Contact the office for details.
MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married at St. Lawrence Church are to contact the parish office, Deacon or the Priest at least 6 months in advance.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, call the parish office or priest anytime. Please notify us for visits and or Communion calls to the sick, shut-ins and those in hospitals.
MEMBERSHIP IN THE PARISH: New parishioners are always welcome. Contact the parish office for details